To everything, there IS a season. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Seasons have a beginning and an end yet they flow into and impact one another. There are those we want merely to rush through like the dog days of summer or the gray days of winter. Other ones that are filled with holidays, we would rather they endure. The blossoms of spring and the colors of fall mesmerize us with their beauty. There is something about what we can see or appreciate that invigorates our step and perspective. When leaves dry up and disappear, it’s as if a blanket smothers our vigor and enthusiasm, but what if these seasons are necessary? What if cloudy days and barren trees are part of growth and life? This portion of the blog celebrates all four seasons and the value each carries. You will find posts here on: Fall or transitions, Winter or grief, Spring or rejuvenation and Summer or restful pauses.
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