An RBC: Reflecting upon the Beauty of Creation
An RBC: Reflecting upon the Beauty of Creation
(I’m reinstating my dormant nursing license)
In the midst of my review, I am reminded continually of God’s handiwork in the unseen and of the purpose and places in which He incredibly orchestrates life. What hit me today?
An erythrocyte, alive for a short time (120 days) and then it is no more. It’s short life span impacts so much. It literally carries life giving oxygen to every system in the whole body. And yet, within it there has been a transformation – just for it to be able to make a difference.
The kidney calls it into being, through a whisper of erythropoietin. Work is undergone in the dark, in the unseen of the bone (the marrow), and life for it begins. Next comes a transformation where it must let go of all it knew, so that it can both become and serve something far greater. A life of impact that ripples into the whole body.
Though this cell has set aside its DNA strand, it takes on hemes to in turn be able to deliver the oxygen every cell needs to sustain life. These unique cells are sent forth to every system in order that other parts not only function but thrive as a part of a larger purpose. The human body is incredible. So many operations are happening at any given point on molecular and microscopic levels just so that our body functions as a whole, fully and efficiently. There are a multitude of checks and balances not merely scattered about but strategically placed in the form of pumps, ionic bonds and neural synapses.
Yes, things go awry or break down anywhere along our life cycle for we live in a world that is not Eden. Natural processes like aging occur or sometimes, full-on microbial or chemical assaults happen. Outside forces and untoward habits can overwhelm, debilitate or incapacitate healthy function but even in this, there are supportive mechanisms that get called up to the front lines.
I marvel more and more at the unseen ways God is at work in creation. This place we occupy is not Edenic paradise. Sin reigns and rots what was meant for good in this temporal place. We are not home yet, there is more. Don’t give up hope. God’s fingerprints and activity are everywhere. What looks dark and like there is an absence of movement can be deceiving. Know, wait, rest – look a little deeper. The same God who breathed all into existence is the same who will finish and bring about all He’s intended. He is good, beyond good and forever faithful.

The call of an erythrocyte
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