Every Little Thing
“Every little thing is going to be all right…”
It was one of those days that was a little more difficult. I was looking for paint samples to refresh the tiny home that my husband and I had shared. Decisions and excursions to our local hardware store were usually made together.
Something simple like this was a reminder that God was in the process of making all things new. I was moving forward but it was not with open arms.
As I stepped up to the paint counter, I was greeted not only with a huge smile but a song. His melody took me immediately back to a viral video I’d viewed and shared some months before. It lifted my spirits, for sure.
Don’t worry about a thing…
God knew just what I needed. On the outside, it was a simple paint selection. The task ahead could’ve been a part of a remodel. The gentleman sharing his sweet song and kindness was fully unaware of my inner unrest.
He will most likely never know. He simply chose to sing, to smile and engage with his customer in that moment.
We may dismiss those in front of us or assume their presence mirrors our need in the moment. There are back stories behind every face. A small decision to make eye contact, smile or even sing – no matter how brief a time, can lift a spirit in precious ways.
This day, I was on the receiving end and I left grateful and encouraged. Not only did this person SEE me, he was a reminder that in my hard times, my dark times, my sad times…God sees me and shows up in wonderful ways.
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