The Untethered View

The blog part is entitled The Untethered View. Untethered by definition means to not be tied down or limited. How we view things, others and God is often through a clouded lens based on our own experience and understanding. What if there is more to what we see? Treasures abound but we have to pause and reflect on what is before us and in other instances, be willing to mine a little deeper for them. Rise above the definitions and judgments the world might dictate and take the higher view.

Here I am Lord, send me.

Looking out at the world, one can be easily overwhelmed. How can I alone make a difference? Resources of time, energy, and finance are few in comparison to what’s needed overall. What can “I” bring? Where would I start? Your gift. Your sphere of influence. Come with an open heart and open hands. Sometimes the…
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To everything, there IS a season. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

To everything, there IS a season. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Seasons have a beginning and an end yet they flow into and impact one another. There are those we want merely to rush through like the dog days of summer or the gray days of winter.  Other ones that are filled with holidays, we would rather they endure. The blossoms of spring and the colors…
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Hop off the wheel… and pause

I will tell you a story about a little guy named Peter. He ran, and ran, and ran; then he jumped off. He would scurry about below, climb to the ceiling and hang upside down, but only for a few moments. Peter was a hamster. We’d watch as he’d pause for perspective, yet inevitably he’d…
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