Here I am Lord, send me.


Here I am Lord, send me.

Looking out at the world, one can be easily overwhelmed. How can I alone make a difference? Resources of time, energy, and finance are few in comparison to what’s needed overall.

What can “I” bring? Where would I start? Your gift. Your sphere of influence. Come with an open heart and open hands.

Sometimes the “bigger” picture snuffs out the power and drive to live a life of impact.

It’s easier to look ahead or look to others to step in. Maybe it looks as if someone else is carrying that torch but you, right here and right now, right where you are – can make a difference.

One tiny candle flame shatters darkness in a small room. One star delineates light a mist the void. One starfish returned to the ocean stands to live. Your willingness just to try, changes lives and ripples hope.

Isaiah 6:8 ESV 

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send and who will go for us?”

Then I said, Here I am! Send me.”

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