The Untethered View

The blog part is entitled The Untethered View. Untethered by definition means to not be tied down or limited. How we view things, others and God is often through a clouded lens based on our own experience and understanding. What if there is more to what we see? Treasures abound but we have to pause and reflect on what is before us and in other instances, be willing to mine a little deeper for them. Rise above the definitions and judgments the world might dictate and take the higher view.

Howdy Neighbor…

In days of old, one might shout over a neighborhood fence and regularly catch up on each other’s lives. Those days are mostly past but thanks to media, we can still stay in touch. Jobs may transfer us to new locations, families fragment and move away but all still preside in our heart. My hope…
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In His hands

These two letters carry such heaviness, don’t they? They conjure up much in our imaginations. Anxiety taps at our hearts seeking an invitation.  “IF” leaves no stone unturned in our lives. It taunts our future, shames us in our past and offers up pretense in the present. “What if” paints pictures in shadow evoking dread…
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Unhindered passage?

We long for clear direction, smooth roads and well-lit routes. We want to map out destinations and rest stops, free of detours and traffic jams. We want safe passages and speedy arrivals. That’s our desire yet the Author of our path sees purpose and beauty in the array of terrains, delays, “chance” meetings and curvy…
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