The Untethered View

The blog part is entitled The Untethered View. Untethered by definition means to not be tied down or limited. How we view things, others and God is often through a clouded lens based on our own experience and understanding. What if there is more to what we see? Treasures abound but we have to pause and reflect on what is before us and in other instances, be willing to mine a little deeper for them. Rise above the definitions and judgments the world might dictate and take the higher view.

An RBC: Reflecting upon the Beauty of Creation

An RBC: Reflecting upon the Beauty of Creation (I’m reinstating my dormant nursing license) In the midst of my review, I am reminded continually of God’s handiwork in the unseen and of the purpose and places in which He incredibly orchestrates life. What hit me today? An erythrocyte, alive for a short time (120 days)…
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The Unseen Reality – Beauty in the fog

It is easier to trust more in what our eyes see but… there’s a reality, an unseen reality happening outside our line of vision. This unseen is just as real, but we tend to dismiss what we have not witnessed for ourselves. Is reality subjective? Can our own perception of how things are – be…
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The Piano Man

There’s a well-known little diner down in my hometown, right by the railroad tracks. It has its unique character and the owners carry a precious backstory. The servers are family and they make you feel like you are part of theirs. Whether it’s your first time in or your 100th, you are welcomed with open…
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