Beneath the Surface

Much occurs in places we cannot see. There’s value and life in hidden places that impacts the present and future.

An RBC: Reflecting upon the Beauty of Creation

An RBC: Reflecting upon the Beauty of Creation (I’m reinstating my dormant nursing license) In the midst of my review, I am reminded continually of God’s handiwork in the unseen and of the purpose and places in which He incredibly orchestrates life. What hit me today? An erythrocyte, alive for a short time (120 days)…
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The Unseen Reality – Beauty in the fog

It is easier to trust more in what our eyes see but… there’s a reality, an unseen reality happening outside our line of vision. This unseen is just as real, but we tend to dismiss what we have not witnessed for ourselves. Is reality subjective? Can our own perception of how things are – be…
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But wait… there IS more

In the hustle and bustle of life, much gets overlooked. We dress to impress, seek to sway opinion or gain favor for acceptance or promotion. Our culture lays a whole lot of stock on first impressions and the fleeting opinions of man.  What if there’s more? What if life isn’t about personal appearance or advancement?…
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